It was recently announced that Apple is the most valuable company in the world, even bigger than ExxonMobil, in part, because it sold more than 411,000 smartphones every single day of last quarter.
Yes, we LOVE our smartphones. And, with each day, more and more of us are jumping on the smartphone bandwagon. 46 percent of US mobile consumers now have smartphones and that percentage continues go grow. In fact, 60 percent of those who got a new device within the last three months chose a smartphone over a feature phone.
As marketers, we need to pay attention. Why? Because smartphones users are especially attached to them. 66 percent of users (2011 TeleNav survey) keep their phones next to them while they sleep. The same survey also found that many respondents would rather give up a hot shower, their toothbrush, exercise, and yes, and even sex for a week than give up their phone. That’s crazy!
It’s no wonder that US mobile advertising revenue is projected to reach $2.6 billion in 2012. It’s been widely reported that mobile ads are more effective than online display ads, in part because of their novelty. That’s not necessarily the case anymore. Creative execution is now the key driver to ad effectiveness. No longer can marketers simply repurpose online ads with overwhelming graphics and text. Ads must be clear and simple, with a strong call to action.
Many of our clients – whose campaigns include mobile online radio ads – experience a lot of mobile ad clicking. Not all, however, are seeing those clicks lead to the next step – such as accepting a free trial, downloading an app or purchasing a product. What we’re learning is that certain industries are more conducive to mobile interaction (retail stores, restaurants) than others (banks/financial institutions). More importantly, we’ve found, that conversion rates are directly related to the mobile engagement experience. What happens when you click the mobile ad? Are you taken to the brand’s home page where you have to navigate to find what was advertised? Or, do you land on a specific page that supports the call to action message? The difference in response can be dramatic, but certainly not surprising.
Today, mobile radio advertisers are using traditional ad targeting methods such as a demographic group, geography and music preference. Within the next few years, you can expect to see mobile advertising based on a person’s behavior and their current location. Will you be mobile-ready?
Lisa Sable is a Senior Marketing Strategist at The Radio Agency. Please follow The Radio Agency’s Blog “Sounding Board” by subscribing to the email or RSS links above. Visit our website