Just for fun, I decided to list all of the different ways to write a radio commercial. Straight Read. DJ Endorsement. Single testimonial. Talking animals. Letting […]
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs….no wait; cloudy with a chance of MUSIC. That’s it. Apparently, 2012 is the year for cloud-based streaming of music. We […]
Traditional radio has long been a strong force for direct response advertising. Now, Pandora and others like it are changing the way we listen to music. […]
Back in another career lifetime, I vividly remember having to present the results of a research study I had commissioned to the very daunting CEO of […]
At a recent client lunch, an interesting conversation regarding differences in generational behavior arose between two 30-something male marketing executives. Generationally, both guys were Gen Xers […]
I’ve had the good fortune to direct some inspiring celebrity talent throughout my career, from plucky pitchmen like Fran Tarkenton and Richard Simmons to accomplished actors […]
Triton Digital is the leading digital service provider to traditional and online radio. You may not know their name, but chances are you’ve listened to programming […]