25 Creative Radio Copy Ideas

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June 4, 2019

25 Creative Radio Copy Ideas

In recent years, we’ve run fresh variations of our “24 Creative Radio Copy Ideas” blog to suggest clever and offbeat ways to get your brand noticed and remembered.  This year, we’re going one better with “25 Creative Radio Copy Ideas.” 

The idea here is to give you fresh perspective from which to tell your story.  An unexpected viewpoint.  An impossible-but-entertaining testimonial.  An engaging way to present a core product benefit can cut through the clutter and turn a prospective buyer into a long-term customer.

Even if you never produce these commercials, take time to write about your brand from two or three of these perspectives just to experience how someone else sees and articulates the value of your brand.

Try scripting a radio commercial from the perspective of…

A chatty Uber driver

The eye doctor who helps you see things clearly

A no-nonsense drill sergeant

Your shoes, which have a clear direction they’d like to point you


A ghost who haunts you with the horrors of not choosing your brand

Your mother, using every trick in the book to generate a sale

An interview with the winning home run hitter who can only rave about your brand

The world’s worst con man

An Oscar-winning actor who works your brand into their speech

An out-of-breath marathon runner

That guy/gal who wouldn’t date you in high school, but now wants you because you use this product

A pack of smart-alecky squirrels on the sidewalk

Your cat

Your whiny neighbor who’s jealous of every smart thing that you do

A star-struck Superfan of your brand

Participants at The Lincoln/Douglass debate

The cool guy at school who sees you’ve got something hot here

A pop star, explaining his/her new song about your brand

The sun

A talking tax refund check

The cop who just pulled you over

A talking dog, proving once again why he’s man’s best friend

The voice of the Internet

An adorable six-year old telling you what they learned at school today

Still stuck?  Call us and we’ll brainstorm another dozen alternatives!

Mark Lipsky

CEO & Creative Director of The Radio Agency, a national advertising agency 100% focused on creating and managing sound advertising campaigns through the medium of radio. You can reach Mark at [email protected].