In the past few weeks, you’ve probably read about someone having a baby or know someone who has a new little one in the family.
You know what that means? There are new parents out there faced with a whole new set of things they need to raise their baby, keep their family safe, make their lives easier and insure against things they dare not say out loud.
Then, these babies will grow up and have an entirely different list of things they need, so you – Mr. and Mrs. Brand catering to those needs and these consumers – have to be there when parents are ready.
To be top of mind, tap the talents of the best media teams in each medium to negotiate annual plans to have a presence throughout the year, reaching people with your name and brand promise when those consumers are finally ready to take action. A media team that knows where and how parents are listening. A media team that can measure quickly to find what works best, so not one dollar is wasted on things that don’t get results.
Change up your creative to showcase how your brand helps a family in specific buying cycles. Test different voices, depending on if you’re speaking to mom or dad.
Layer in additional elements, such as promotions that give away your brand (or supporting line extension brands) to help with a goal or challenge a parent might face.
Family is everything and families need everything. Be smart – and be there – when they are ready!
Barbra Tabnick is Vice President, Account Services at The Radio Agency. Please follow The Radio Agency’s Blog “Sounding Board” by subscribing to the RSS link above. Visit our website