Tune in. Turn on. Click it. Or Tap the Touch Screen. Radio Remains
Reliable Radio’s need to evolve with technology has created an endless buffet of audio entertainment options. Times change, just like the consumer’s appetite for diversified radio formats. But what remains constant is radio’s influential stronghold on our culture and its ability to entertain and inform.
Radio’s need to evolve with technology has created an endless buffet of audio entertainment options. Times change, just like the consumer’s appetite for diversified radio formats. But what remains constant is radio’s influential stronghold on our culture and its ability to entertain and inform.
In that challenging role, radio remains reliable.
In an interview conducted by The Radio Agency with Eric Rhoads, Publisher and CEO of Radio Ink, Rhoads is clear about radio’s relationship with its loyal listeners and its responsibility to keep communities connected.
“The (radio) industry believes that consumers would be infuriated if they lost their AM and FM radios and has rightly pointed out that there have been numerous instances recently when power is down for days or weeks and thus cell phone towers are down, phones can’t be charged, batteries run out and internet is down.” Rhoads cites radio’s lifeline role during Hurricane Sandy as a prime example; how even when power lines are down, “radio transmitters have weeks of fuel for generators and everyone can go to a portable radio or their car radio to listen.”
On the new CBS drama Under the Dome, from Stephen King, the small town of Chester’s Mill is suddenly and sealed off from the rest of the world by a massive transparent dome and their only source for news and entertainment is you’ve guessed it… RADIO! The Under the Dome Radio DJ Phil Bushy keeps the town informed. (In a creative marketing effort, CBS Radio has created an online Under the Dome radio station on www.radio.com.)
Art imitating life? Life imitating art? Either way, radio is part of the survival kit and a permanent fixture in our culture and community.
Toni Anastasia is a Senior Account Manager at The Radio Agency. Please follow The Radio Agency’s Blog “Sounding Board” by subscribing to the email or RSS links above.Visit our website TheRadioAgency.com