Growing up in suburban Philadelphia, I was fortunate enough to have a Dad who loved all types of music from Big Band and Country to Emerson Lake and Palmer. We may have been one of the last folks on the block to own a color TV, but we were the first to drive a GTO with the loudest, rockin-est stereo with a cassette player mounted to the center console.
My Dad would be amazed at the dashboards of today and their user-friendly technology and controls. For example, the 2013 Lexus LS comes standard with the Lexus Enform® with APP Suite and includes:
The auto dashboard has become so robust with audiotainment options, that radio trade publication Radio Ink and its partners have organized a national conference to be held October 23rd & 24th in Detroit called DASH The Connected Car Audiotainment™ Conference.
Radio Ink publisher Eric Rhoads notes, “Radio has owned the ears in the car and virtually every car has a radio. It will be important for the industry to make sure they keep their content strong and able to be found in all other devices.”
With major car manufacturers offering new forms of audio, streaming audio, playlist services and more, new opportunities are plentiful and warrant a forum for discussion. The DASH conference will serve as a convergence site for broadcasters, auto manufacturers and after-market suppliers, streaming radio providers, ad agencies and car dealers.
Dashboard changes are fast and furious. Buckle-up and enjoy the ride.
For more information about DASH click here:
Toni Anastasia is a Senior Account Manager at The Radio Agency. Please follow The Radio Agency’s Blog “Sounding Board” by subscribing to the email or RSS links above.Visit our website