Last week, I spent hours walking the endless exhibit space at the Consumer Electronics Show. For every WOW innovation there were a hundred yawners. Countless “Me, […]
The late, verbal mastermind, George Carlin, became famous (and infamous) for his “Seven Dirty Words” you can’t say on radio or television. You know the words. […]
It seems like just yesterday I was thinking ahead and planning for the upcoming year (2012). Now, with Christmas here, I keep asking myself “What happened? […]
The mood is understandably mixed at SiriusXM Radio. Third Quarter revenues are up 14% with 446,000 new subscribers pushing their paid subscriber base to a record […]
I realize that some people haven’t put away their Halloween pumpkin décor and that Thanksgiving turkey leftovers may still fill the frig, but on November 11th […]