Like everyone else, we have opinions on the commercials aired during the Super Bowl. And like everyone else, we’re not afraid to share ‘em. So without […]
Mindshare; a media agency services provider, Neurensics; a neuromarketing company and a Dutch CHR-formatted radio station have just released a new study which details how commercial […]
Although not officially confirmed, YouTube is expected to launch a music streaming service with videos included, by the end of 2013. The service is expected to […]
A Seeking Alpha investment writer rocked my world this week by recommending that investors take a good, hard look at Entercom, the radio group owner with […]
Slacker, Spotify and countless other services have tried, buzzing Pandora’s 800 lb. gorilla like pesky airplanes in the original King Kong movie. And still, Pandora has […]
Oregon Safeway and Walmart shoppers got more than what was on their grocery lists when $100 bills mysteriously appeared, stashed in egg cartons, cookie boxes and […]