Advertising Campaigns

December 16, 2014

Advertising’s CRAZYaffordable Celebrity Endorsement

As a marketer, you probably don’t give much thought to podcasts as a messaging platform unless you’re a fan of podcasts yourself.  And that’s an injustice […]
November 11, 2014

Avoiding First-Time Advertiser Mistakes

In any form of advertising, it’s easy for first-timers to make mistakes. Audio advertising is no exception. But now more than ever, with so many new […]
October 14, 2014

Your Words. Their Voice.

You’ve carefully crafted your marketing plan. You’ve diligently planned and placed your media buy to support your objectives. Radio is an integral part of your mix. […]
October 7, 2014

242,000,000 Creatures of Habit

I’m willing to bet that you know exactly where you’ll be at 7:45 tomorrow morning. What you’ll be doing. And, if you’re listening to the radio, […]
September 30, 2014

Drive the Future

Did you know that the US is home to the largest passenger vehicle market of any country in the world? A study by the US Bureau […]
September 9, 2014

Skipping Past Commercials

You may have paid for five million TV advertising impressions, but you certainly didn’t get them. With over 700,000 sources listed from a Google search for […]
September 2, 2014

The Death of Direct Response and Branding

There’s been a subtle shift these past few decades.  Branding advertisers now demand accountability and performance from their advertising.  Direct response marketers wish to put a […]
August 13, 2014

Digital Radio Update

Enjoying your digital radio? Isn’t it fun to create customized channels and not have to flip around the dial to find songs you like? Don’t you […]
August 8, 2014

The Perils of Chasing Something Shiny

Thousands of happy radio advertisers have thousands of stories of how well radio advertising works for their brand. Most cite the sound fundamentals of AM/FM, rather […]